Dear Friends,
Today, I will delve into matters that are a little more difficult for me. Some of you may know this already, but I have struggled with mental health through my growing up years and through adulthood. I have used writing as a way of expressing things deep inside that were impossible to get out any other way. I have used it to express deep joy, anguish that cut so deep I could hardly move forward, and a hope in something more.

As I approach 60, I have grown to appreciate those difficult times more and more. They taught me who I am, how strong I am, and what I stand for. I believe that tests and trials can do that for all of us. If we lean into them, embrace the lessons they have, we can walk through to the other side transformed.
Easier said than done, of course.

Over the years I’ve written many personal stories about what I’d been through, and recently had one published online. It’s a story of a sweet donkey named Darwin, and how much he taught me about acceptance, inner peace, and trust. I share it with you now and invite you to share with me your own experiences of learning, of those dark times when the way forward seems impossible.
While not everyone goes through such anguish, we all know people who do. Suicide, violence, and self-harm are at all-time highs. As someone who has come through the other side and “lived to tell the tale,” I want to share a few techniques and practices that aid in finding inner peace. I have put together a booklet called, "Growing Wings," that has powerful, simple tools. I welcome you to read it and share it with others.
Just click the image.

Until next time,