Dear Friends,
August was a WILD ride. I was busting all sorts of blocks I had carried for decades--fears about not being good enough, not having enough talent, not having anything to share--and wrote articles, did podcast interviews, and was SO FAR OUT of my comfort zone, that it was exciting and terrifying, all at the same time.
We ALL have gifts to share, and something to say, but we are often held back by our own limiting beliefs about who we are, what we can be, and the gifts we personally have to offer. We compare ourselves with others. We measure success by broken yardsticks, and can often believe that who we are isn't good enough to show up. The great thing about beliefs, however, is that they can change. Like a lotus that blooms from the mud, our past experiences, even our limiting beliefs, can serve as teachers that guide us to our highest selves.

In the spirit of mutual "block busting," I am sharing an article I wrote about my own battles with limiting beliefs, and my first podcast interview about overcoming trauma. It's my hope that as you read/watch them, you will uncover your own blocks that have been holding you back.

In the article, Stepping Out From the Shadows: The Journey from Shame Into Self-Acceptance, I discuss how hard it was to challenge baked-in shame from an early traumatic experience.

In the very first podcast interview I did on the Vulnerability Muscle podcast, I talk with the wonderful Reggie D. Ford about the journey through PTSD and mental illness, and finding joy and resilience. There are so many wonderful, kind people in the world who are doing their best to make a difference, and Reggie is one of them. He has other interviews on his podcast that are well-worth a listen.
Life is a bold adventure and meant to be lived on the often uncomfortable edge of growth. As more and more of us decide to "step out from the shadows" and share our true selves, not only will our lives change, the world will too.
With much love,
P.S. I would love to hear how you are busting through your own blocks!