Dear Friends,
We are meant to live with joy, health, and balance.
But life can often feel too much. Things happen. We lose someone we love. Or something precious is taken from us. Who among us hasn't felt the heaviness of grief? When you're in its depths, it can feel like that's all there is. It is isolating, and frightening.
Grief that's carried in our bodies can manifest as pain, as aches that don't go away, as headaches, digestive issues, trouble concentrating, heart issues, and breathing problems. Everything is connected, and when we hold a strong emotion within us, it has far-reaching impact on our health, not just our mental state.
As a guest author on the Spiritual Media Blog, I list simple exercises you can do that can profoundly impact how you feel, how you move, how you live.
Excerpt from Spiritual Media Blog, The Journey Beyond Grief: Energy Medicine Tools for Letting Go...
"When something precious is’s hard to let it go. Grief shrouds every part of us with dust, smothering joy, light, and colour, turning life bleak and grey. How do we release it? First, we must want to release it. Grief, like any other emotion, can become part of our identity and its familiarity can feel safer than facing the unknown of healing. When we are ready to take that first brave step, however, there are things we can do to make it easier. Below are exercises I use..."
Click here to read the full article. If you have any questions of the exercises, please feel free to ask me.
Many blessings to you,