I am pleased to announce that The Nightingale’s Song has won SILVER in the Nautilus Book Awards (past Nautilus Book Award winners include Deepak Chopra, Barbara Kingsolver, Thich Nhat Hanh, Marianne Williamson, and Eckhart Tolle, to name a few).

This book has been years in the making. Evolving from original pastel drawings, to being finished digitally, the art work shows the beauty of diversity in our human family.
There is a movement afoot that casts people into groups of “US” and “THEM.” I say, and I’ll shout it from the mountain tops (or write a picture book about it) that THERE IS ONLY US.
We are ALL part of ONE human family.
MORE and MORE people around the world know this is true.
Just as a flower garden delights the senses with its varieties of flowers, colours, and scents, so the human family is powerful, beautiful, and magnificent BECAUSE of its diversity.
Unity Rocks!