Dear Friends,
It’s funny how things work.
A few months ago, I shared a work-in-progress painting of Darwin, my donkey friend who died two years ago. On the morning after he’d died, a vision came to me of him in vibrant, shining health. In the months that followed, I was determined to put down what I had seen.
I finally started it in February of this year, and after working with it for several months, was ready to give it to Sheila, the founder of Primrose Donkey Sanctuary--the person Darwin loved the most in this world.
It was only when the painting was wrapped and ready to go, that I realized the date: May 26th—two years to the day that the vision came to me. There are no accidents in the universe, only chances and opportunities to learn and keep growing.

I used complimentary colours to make the image feel vibrant. Whenever images look dull to me, I try adding in the complimentary colour as a highlight, and things jump into life.
This image will be in my gallery, and downloads can be purchased, 100% of which will go to the sanctuary. Please email me for more information.
Until next time!